Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Occult love of God

Once a good man died and went to the pearly gates of heaven. God welcomed him and asked the man to seat with him for watching the foot map of his life.

The man noticed, whenever a man walked on the earth during his good time, there were 4 footprints.
2 belonged to him and 2 belonged to God.

During his bad times, he was only able to see 2 footprints and was upset.

He complained to god that, why he was not present during his bad time?
God replied, “I am always present with you. Those 2 footprints were of mine and not that of you.” 

As God cares so much for us during bad times, he lifts us up in his arms; hence we cannot have our footprints on the foot map!

It is strange, isn’t it? We always blame God for our bad times, but he is the one who always take our care much more than what we can do.

Yet there are no complaints in his Love. Lets understand occult love of God.


  1. jordar boss.. beautiful story..
    Aa story yad karu etle jal jalat thai jai life ma...
    je thai e sara mate j thai. jalsa karvana.. :)

  2. Is this from "Chicken soup for soul"???

  3. No Vijay, it is from the discourses of rev. Pandurang Shastri Athawale.
